RMAG 2007 Goals and New Year’s Resolutions

Title: RMAG 2007 Goals and New Year’s Resolutions
Publication: The Outcrop, January 2007, p. 23

2006 was a great year and 2007 promises to be even better!

For 85 years, RMAG has dedicated itself to providing quality educational events, programming, and publications and will do so again in 2007. Coming up this year members can again count on a full slate of Friday Lunch Programs along with multiple short courses, symposia, and social events. Each of these events require countless hours of dedication by hundreds of volunteers, committee members, and your RMAG office staff.

With our membership approaching 2,400, it has become essential that we reduce costs of mailing along with increasing the efficiency of information exchange by using e-mail and the internet (via our website) as much as possible. To this end we are in the process of updating our office servers and database while exploring new ways of using our website and bulk mailing services more effectively. We ask for your patience during this process which may run through the first quarter of 2007.

In 2006 we had a member complain about the number of e-mails that they received and instead of talking directly to us about removing them from our e-mail list, they chose to complain directly to our former internet service provider instead. This resulted in our losing our bulk e-mail permit and causing the great majority of our members who rely on e-mail and the internet to be without current information on RMAG events and publications.

We truly appreciate the amount of e-mail that everyone receives and understand that not all are interested in receiving information about RMAG events. As we strive to improve our services for all our members, we want you to know that we are more than willing to listen to your concerns and react as soon as possible to resolve any issues or questions you may have.

Our e-mail list consists only of members who have given us their addresses. Please call us directly at any time if you wish to be removed from our e-mail list and we will be more than happy to accommodate you. Additionally, if you are not receiving e-mails from us and would like to, please call and we will add you.